Saturday, June 20, 2009

Seniors, a great audience.

I have been performing for seniors since I was a young man. Senior centers, retirement communities and clubs always are looking for entertainment. Now that I finally qualify for the senior discount at Denny's I'm still doing shows for them. Yesterday I entertained at the College Avenue Older Adult Center. Terrific enthusiasm from them and we had a great time. Wonderful interactions. I call them the "chronologically gifted" or "mature adults." That's good for a laugh. I had an assistant, Herb, who was very smart. I asked him if he was a "rocket scientist" and he said "no, a nuclear physicist." That's the kind of people that make my work interesting.

Dana Law

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer reading programs

I've been performing professionally for 20 years. But I have performed in a library for a long as I've done magic shows. Over 45 years! I love the library and librarian's. We didn't have a lot of money when I began doing tricks at the age of eight. So off to the library to get a magic book. It all started there.

I've just started the annual reading programs. I'll do about 25 libraries this summer. They always have a theme. "Get Creative" is this years focus. No better place to start getting creative and solving a problem than in a book. I've added some new tricks to send that message.

I hope to see you at the library.