Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm going to the library!

"Library show
Make a Splash - READ

See you at the Library.

Every summer I perform at libraries all over the southern California. The reason? Summer reading programs for the children. Librarians, some of my favorite people, encourage reading with a theme. This year's theme is :

Make a Splash - READ

Every year I meet that theme with magic. I'll be doing several magic tricks that involve water and the creatures that live in it. Throughout the performance I'll be emphasizing the power and importance of reading. I'll remind the children that when I became interested in magic I learned my first tricks from a book in the library.

I'll be at 35 libraries this summer. Check your local branch and bring your junior patrons. Don't forget to check out a book.

Call now for a terrific show. 619-444-2002

About Amazing Dana Magic Shows
Dana Law is busy performer. He works with all ages. He has special shows for each and every group. As a mentalist , his "MInd to Mind" show is astounding. Hire him today for a laugh out loud show.

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Amazing Dana Magic Shows